Importing a Roll up into Call Logic
The integration with PCR allows you to import contacts and have notes entered into Call Logic entered into PCR.
1. Log into your Call Logic account and go to Contacts and click on Import.
2. At the bottom of the page click Import PCRecruiter List.
3. On the Select a Rollup List page, first, find the roll up list you want to use. This only shows the first 100 roll ups.
4. In the list description box, type the name of what you want to name this in Call Logic.
5. Next, we need to tell the Call Logic system which phone numbers we want from PCR. If you only want the cell phone number, just select "Import one phone number" and click cell phone in the Phone Priority Box.
Otherwise, if you choose to import all phone numbers, Call logic will only need 1 phone number to dial. So, in the Phone Priority drop down, choose how you want your phone numbers priorities.
If I choose, Cell > Home > Work > Other, it means if a contact has a cell phone number, use that number. If a contact does not have a cell phone number, use the home number. If the contact does not have a home number, use the work number. If the contact does not have a work number, use other.
6. Sort Order is important because when using Call Logic and PCR you will need to have them both open. You are going to have Call Logic in one screen and PCR in the other. Whichever order you have PCR sorted is the same way you want this Call Logic campaign sorted.
7. Check the final checkbox if you want to system to include duplicates. Otherwise, uncheck this and it will not import the duplicates. It is recommended that you allow the duplicates in this case so the list does not get out of order. Click Import.
8. The result will show at the top of the page. It might look like the page just went back to the top, but you'll notice this message.
9. Now you can start the campaign with the newly imported list. Click here to learn how to start a calling campaign.
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