Making outbound calls is easier than you think! Below are a few tips to help you and your team get more from your outbound calling efforts.
Stay positive
- Smile during the call.
- Post cheerful pictures around your desk.
- Research your products so you’re confident promoting them.
- Do something you enjoy on your breaks.
- Limit your number of calls per day.
- Focus on how you deliver value to your prospects & clients.
Keep your emphasis on the benefits of your products – not the premiums. Remember, the worst that will happen is they will say no.
Call at the right time
- Mid-week attempts are the most successful
- Sales will get the most conversations between 10-11 am to 4-5 pm.
*If the person doesn’t respond, leave a message and try again another time.
Use a Script
- Get straight to the point – be friendly but get right down to business.
- Stay on track – everyone is busy, and you need to respect their time.
- Prepare for objections
Knowing what to say is important but you want to treat the call as a conversation that has a natural flow. Outline your major points and the information you need to remember in the order you want.
The value of “No”
Sales is a numbers game; the more calls you make the more quotes you get. Every “No” gets you that much closer to a “Yes!” It’s important to just keep dialing. 44% of sales reps quit after the first “no”, sales reps who are persistent with cold calling have a leg up on half the competition.
Call Stats
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