What is the difference between Available and (Fresh) numbers?
Devon Howard
What is the difference between Available and (Fresh) numbers?
Initially,Availablemeans the number of contacts "available" in the campaign, but this is before any scrubbing is done in the campaign.
Freshis the number in parenthesis.Freshmeans the number of contacts in the campaign that have not been dialed or scrubbed yet.
When (Fresh) says (0), it means that everyone in the campaign has beendialedorscrubbedat least one time.
If you have Click to Call, the cell phone numbers were not dialed the first time around, but they were pushed over to Click to Call. This number is still added intoAvailable
If your campaign saysFreshis (0) and you have not dialed everyone in the campaign, go toContacts>Manage Contacts> select theCampaignsbox >chooseyour campaign > clickdone> clicksearch. This will show you the results of your campaign in regards to who wasconnected,busy, no answer,DNC - skipped, orcell - skippedif it applies. If you have a large number ofcell - skipped, you will want to switch toclick to call
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