Editing/Adding Dispositions in Manager Dashboard
Manager Dashboards can update dispositions for attached accounts. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Campaign Management Tab and click on Manage Dispositions.
2. Click "Corporate"
3. To add a new Disposition, click New.
4. It will have you fill out the new disposition (in Red below.) and when you are done, click save (in Green below.)
6. To edit a disposition, select the disposition you want to change (in Red below.) Then in the text box type the new name (in Green below.) Once you have changed the other preferences of the disposition, next to and below the changed name, click the update button (in Purple below.)
Accessing Corporate Dispositions
For the Corporate Dispositions to be available to users, each user must log into their account and set their dispositions to Corporate.
1. Scroll over Campaign and select Manage Dispositions
2. Select Corporate and click save
The unique dispositions will now be available during campaigns.
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